Surprise!!! Nature along the Middlesex Greenway  Contributor's Pick!       
A turtle basking in the sun, a small stream along the Greenway
Date: 5/8/2011 Location: Metuchen, NJ   Map Show Metuchen on a rail map Views: 1876 Collection Of:   Steve Coraggio
Author:  Steve Coraggio
 Surprise!!! Nature along the Middlesex Greenway
Picture Categories: Scenic This picture is part of album:  NEC, OLD LVRR Right of Way, Amboy Secondary, Browns Yard
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Zachary Walters General Whats this have to do with trains? 8/16/2011 6:25:41 PM
David Harrison General Prolly taken from train,at least its not a snake 9/21/2011 10:02:37 AM
TERRENCE ROBLE General cute :) 12/3/2011 12:50:46 AM
Geneva Short General I think it's really cool. 3/24/2012 10:57:41 PM
Fred Stuckmann General Homepage, very nice. 4/1/2012 8:36:15 PM
Atlanta Rails General Nice shot, should be a Red ribbon 5/15/2012 1:18:38 PM
Curt Beal General Seen on the site homepage. Looks like railroad ballast there, so it is railroad related! 8/2/2012 5:39:08 PM
Jerry LaBoda General Hey... its the RRPA mascot!!! 2/9/2014 3:30:13 PM
Mike Maskel General GREAT SHOT 8/29/2014 11:00:16 AM
Steve Coraggio General Thank you, Mike. 8/29/2014 1:11:18 PM
Daniel Hanna General A turtle!! Cool homepage shot! 3/5/2015 6:08:02 PM
Steve Coraggio General Dan, thank you and like this picture. 3/6/2015 6:10:36 AM
Fred Stuckmann General Another homepage appearance. 3/15/2015 10:38:14 PM
Dwight Hartje General Now there something unusual! Seen on Homepage three times! 7/2/2015 9:37:39 AM
Steve Coraggio General Dwight, thank you and glad you enjoyed this picture of the turtle. 7/3/2015 12:13:18 PM
Jim Ford General There's always something to shoot while you're waiting for a train. Nice catch. 4/3/2016 8:15:48 PM
Steve Coraggio General Jim, thnak you for viewing, commenting and enjoying this picture. I have received many good comments on it.!!! This was a small culvert next to the former Right of Way.The turtle was sunning itself on a rock. The former Right of Way is a biking, walking, hiking trail 4/3/2016 8:56:30 PM
Tom Beckett General As almost all of us are aware, there is a lot of time spent just waiting and waiting and waiting in this hobby. Other things often draw our interest while all this waiting is going on, and we've finished the paper, the jumble, the crossword, sudoku, etc. Animals are frequently part of the action while waiting for some action, so it's only natural to shoot a picture. For what it's worth, I have a shot of some turkeys on the LIRR I got while waiting for Riverhead freight RF 63 about 30 years ago-I think it's in one of my LIRR albums. You're not the only one who has a critter photo on RRPA!! 5/8/2017 1:17:30 AM
Steve Coraggio General The turtle was in a small stream adjacent to the Middlesex Greenway, former LVRR Perth Amboy to South Plainfield Branch I was walkin the former right of way and found the turtle .so I took a picture. The Middlesex Greenway is used for walking , bicycling,In some locations there are remnants of the LV's presence. Track in some places which isn't part of the greenway. 5/8/2017 6:12:47 AM
Scott Crotwell General Cool shot. On the home page on 04/13/2018. 4/13/2018 10:20:18 AM
Steve Coraggio General Scott thank you!!! I have gotten alot of good comments on this shot. 4/13/2018 3:41:47 PM

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