Advance Approach- Flashing yellow is Lit  Contributor's Pick!       
70-300mm telephoto lens shot of eastbound signal displaying Aspect Advance Approach, Flashing Yellow is lit, Steady Red below.. NORAC Rule 282a NAME ADVANCEAPPROACH INDICATION; Proceed prepared to stop at the second signal. Trains exceeding Limited Speed must begin reduction to Limited Speed as soon as engine passed the Advance Approach Signal. The grade seen is roycefield raodf and is the enxt grade east of Valley Road. The tail end of NS 62V is seen on the Royce running Track to the left and past Roycefiled Raod grade
Date: 12/4/2022 Location: Hillsborough, NJ   Map Show Hillsborough on a rail map Views: 133 Collection Of:   Steve Coraggio
Author:  Steve Coraggio
Advance Approach- Flashing yellow is Lit
Picture Categories: Scenic,Winter,Signal,Track,Action This picture is part of album:  Eastbound Signal- Advance Approach Then Changes to Clear, and NS Train 28X
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